Biography of Al Farabi [ 870-966 AD ] Al-Farabi is one of the many Muslim scientists and philosophers who were sent to the world by Allah Rabbul Alamin as a blessing for the development of Muslims in the world. His date of birth is not known exactly. There are differences of opinion regarding his date of birth. One of… Continue reading Biography of Al Farabi
Category: Education
biography of leonardo da vinci
Leonardo da Vinci [ 1452-1519 ] If there is one name to be considered as complete in the history of human civilization, it is Leonardo da Vinci. Such a gathering of so many diverse talents has probably never been seen in any other human being. He is painter, sculptor, numerologist, singer, natural scientist, physiologist, military expert, inventor, stage designer… Continue reading biography of leonardo da vinci
Biography of Archimedes
Biography of Archimedes [ 287-212 BC ] Emperor Hiero of Syracuse commissioned a goldsmith to make a golden crown. After receiving the crown in his hand, the emperor felt that there was alloy mixed in it. But the goldsmith denied the shaft. But the doubt in the emperor’s mind did not go away. He entrusted the court scientist Archimedes with… Continue reading Biography of Archimedes
Biography of Socrates
Socrates [479-399 BC] The day was over. Two people were moving faster than him. They must reach Delphi before darkness falls. One is called Cherephone. ( Chaerephon ) Medieval Greek. At ten, Delphine stopped in the courtyard of the great temple. The worshiper of the temple came forward as soon as he entered the stairs. Chaerephon looked at him and said, I have come… Continue reading Biography of Socrates
Plato short biography
Plato short biography Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are three shining stars in the world of human thought and knowledge. Socrates’ thoughts led to the emergence of Plato, and Plato in turn gave shape to the concept of the ideal state through Aristotle. They were not only the best philosophers of Greece, but also the representatives… Continue reading Plato short biography